I have a few thoughts and comments on the subject  of standards.  More
importantly tcwug standards.  How do we want to go about our name
conventions?  How do we want to structure our IP's?  Do we want to
attempt to have "seamless roaming"?  And if we do, do we want to have
many tcwug essid's or maybe <local-essid>.tcwug.org?  Jima suggested we
have <neighborhood>.tcwug.org for the WAN side IP's. =20

Seamless roaming , to me, implies that one can go from one AP to the
next without adjusting your settings.  If we have <hood>.tcwug.org
essid's this not permit perfect seamless roaming.  If we had this naming
scheme and coordinated all our IP's in the same subnet we could have
"disected roaming".  This would enable one to keep an ssh session open
between different AP's.

I really like the idea of seamless roaming.  However, I also like the
idea of breaking up the naming into neighborhoods.  I live in the
Longfellow 'hood.  I have an AP with essid AAA.  So I could have an
Access Point name (not essid) of AAA.Longfellow.tcwug.org.  ( I am
mainly just typing/thinking out loud).

I am seeing alot of little dots on maps.tcwug.org in the Longfellow
'hood.  We should begin to "connect the dots".  I have been playing with
these little D-Link 900AP's.  They are inexpensive and very functional.
They are based on the Atmel chipset so they are configurable with the
Atmel utility.  Nate has the utilities on his site ( I don't feel right
posting the url tho, Nate?)  There is also a Linux application for
configuring the Atmel radios via snmp. http://ap-utils.polesye.net/  It
is still fairly buggy, but it is cool.  It also has some handy mrtg
functionality as well.  I tried to use the ap-Atmel utility and had
minor success.  I well keep an eye on this project.  I am sure there are
some more snmp utilities out there for Linux/OS X.  Anyone else have an
good experience with *nix AP utils.

Well, I am eager to get some connectivity to other wuggers in the near
future.  I should have an omni and I directional mounted on my house in
the next couple of weeks.  Hopefully on my van as well :)  Is anyone up
for the challenge?

http://autonomous.tv/			       spencer at autonomous.tv
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