Hey TC-WUG gang-

The Loading Zone (TLZ) in uptown (Lake and Lyndale) would love to have our
group come in for meetings. They are a coffee shop / computer gaming place
that's owned by two cool local guys. They said we could mooch wireles off
of them during our meetings. :)

---Matthew Genelin---

> On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 06:41:19AM -0500, Ben Nelson wrote:
>>We'll be talking about the project to cover Loring Park at the next
>> meeting.
>>We're actually pretty far into the project: spotty coverage right now,
>> two
>>more sites around the park identified  and ready to be built out. Come on
>>down to the next meeting and hear all about it!
>>Longfellow could be next. Any interest in heading it up?
> hrm. YES.  That sounds fun.  Is anyone in the Longfellow 'hood still
> following this list?
> The meeting this month happens to coincide with the TCLUG installfest.
> Granted the installfest begins in the day, but it gets hard to leave
> once you are there.  I have not been to a meeting for quite some time,
> and I would very much like to catch up on all the haps.
> Are there others that plan on going to the Installfest that are also
> concidering the TCWUG meeting?  It would sure be easier to break from
> the Installfest if others were heading out as well.
> --
> Linux Administrator || Technology Specialist || Wifi Engineer
> http://autonomous.tv/~spencer/resume/ || spencer at autonomous.tv
> Key fingerprint = 173B 8760 E59F DBF8 6FD2  68F8 ABA2 AB08 49C7 4754

Twin Cities Wireless Users Group Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
tcwug-list at tcwug.org