> I installed a DSLTNT last night (my first "DSLTNT" not "MaxTNT".)  I
> upgraded to TAOS 8.0.3 and saw that autobaud and fastautobaud were
> now supported with SDSL.  Great!  Pull down new TAOS for the pipes,
> 7.10.8 and turn it on.  From testing in the CO, it would autobaud,
> sometimes quickly, sometimes, very slowly, sometimes at abysmal speeds
> for being 50ft away from each other.

Good for you. I can't even get it activated.

vandry> read sdsl { 1 2 12 }
SDSL/{ shelf-1 slot-2 12 } read
vandry> set line-c data-rate-mode = fastautobaud
vandry> wr
error: sdsl: data-rate-mode fastautobaud is not supported
vandry> ver
Software version 8.0.3


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