Hi Everyone,
     Got a strange one.  First for me.  We had a lot of customers
dialing into Total Control Chassis and everything was OK.  Also,
have customers dialing into Ascend MAX 6068 Boxes and everything
is OK with them too.  Rescently we changed some lines around and
the customers that were in the TC units are now dialing into the
Ascend units.  Abount 10% to 20% of the former TC box users are
now having the strangest problem I've ever seen.

Our Customer's DUN is setup with server assigned IP address and
static DNS addresses.  When they dial into the Ascend boxes now,
it changes the IP address to static and assigns the first DNS
number to it.  Also, it moves the second DNS number to the first
DNS slot and deletes the second.  What's up with that !

When we correct it on the customer's machine, it changes right
back when they dial in again.

Has anyone seen this before?  I am so confused right now I don't
know which way to turn.

Carl Jagerski
Network Administrator, Forward Communications
carll at forcomm.net

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