>  >First, the E1 layer. Are you seeing the E1 come up at all? We use T1,
>>and I'm not sure of the specific differences (other than speed), but
>>to cross one over just set up with the same signalling on each side
>>and set one to Clock Source=Yes and the other to No.
>I seen all channels on E1 as nailed, and I have configured Clock Source
>I use PPP (mulit link). On Wan stats only TX packets going out and
>Connection profiles tries to connects, but fails with LCP timeout cause code
>(like two units do not see each other).

It should be straight PPP--not MP or MPP. This might be misleading 
you because you're using all the DS0s on the E1, but it's not 
actually multilink as far as the Maxen are concerned.

Peter Lalor           Infoasis
plalor at infoasis.com   http://www.infoasis.com/

"Where's my burrito?" -- Homer
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