Dear friends,

As part of our mission to communicate complete, accurate, timely, and
easy-to-use information, a user needs evaluation team is conducting quick,
one-question surveys of Lucent InterNetworking (former Ascend)
documentation users. We are certain that learning about you and how you use
our APX, Stinger, TNT, and MAX products’ technical documentation will help
improve it.

Here is the question:

"If you were getting new Lucent Edge Access equipment (like the TNT, APX,
Stinger, MAX, etc.), what would be your first three technical questions?"

Please respond to techcomm at with your answer. In your email,
please also let us know if you (or your organization) would like to
participate in further user needs evaluation efforts such as our full (15
minutes) User Needs survey.   

Rest assured that this survey question is not an evaluation of you or your
skills. Your answers will be tabulated anonymously and used only to help us
understand the knowledge and experience of users in general.

Whether you respond to the survey question, or not, Lucent Technologies
appreciates customer comments about its documentation. You can always send
documentation related comments to techcomm at


David Gravelle and
The User Needs Evaluation Team
Lucent InterNetworking Technical Communications
David Gravelle
Senior Technical Writer, Technical Communications
Lucent Technologies
InterNetworking Systems
175 South Main Street, 6th Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Telephone:	(801) 799-6030
Fax:		(801) 799-6000