> Probably can if all your hardware is compatible.  I have 7.2.4 here as
> well, but looks like starting at 8.x and above I loose support for my
> 4pt Enet card, and also the HDLC controller, so can't move past that.
> Also I suspect if that is the only reason your upgrading, a good set of
> filters should solve any SNMP issues..

There's no a real issue here, but it seems to me that, according to
the CERT advisories of February, almost every SNMP Implementation 
seems to contain some security flaws, mostly buffer overflows and 
the like. Accordingly, I figured for my Max4000 boxes that there was 
indeed a new release (7.0.28) in February. The release notes only 
state an obscure note that "7.0.28 includes improved resistance to
Denial of Service attempts". I concluded that this might include fixes
for SNMP flaws and upgraded.

With 7.2.4 and 8.x, the last releases are somewhat older -- so does that
mean that there aren't any problems there? 


  Dr. Martin Pauly     Fax:    49-6421-28-26994            
  HRZ Univ. Marburg    Phone:  49-6421-28-23527
  Hans-Meerwein-Str.   E-Mail: pauly at HRZ.Uni-Marburg.DE  
  D-35032 Marburg                                                           
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