I have several p50's and p75's that I need to nindy.
I went to aos.ascend.com to get the images I need to find
it gone. Signed up for esight but no joy to be found there.

Can anyone help me, I need 6.0.10 or 6.0.12 for both the old and
new style p50's and p75's.

if my memory serves me the loads I think need are:

b.p75   for the old style p75 ?????
b2i.p75 for the new style p75 
b.p50   for the old style p50
bi.p50  for the new style p50 ?????

any help in locating these files will be appreciated !!!


* Bob Bradlee      Lord High Fixer    Technologist and Consultant * 
* Bob at Cave.net     Cave Network Group  Senior Partner & Sys Admin *
* Bob at Bradlee.org  Bradlee Genealogical Society  Founder & Scribe *
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