Do you have any data to back this up?  It has been my experience that
any compression increases latence, with the exception of VJ, only because
of the need to wait for enough data for compression to be effective, or 
in the case of truly binary/random data, the expansion of the data.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 04:49:13PM -0500, Chris Cook wrote:
> STAC compression is going to give you the lowest latency you can enable
> it here:
> Ethernet -> Connections -> Your Connection -> Encaps Options -> Link
> Comp=Stac-9
> Make sure that you do that on both routers, should fix you up.
> ==
> Chris
> o----< ccook at >------------------------------------o
> |Chris Cook - Admin     |TCWORKS.NET - |
> |The Computer Works ISP |FreeBSD -     |
> o-------------------------------------------------------------o
> Randy Snow wrote:
> > 
> > Does anyone know how I might be able to improve my latency (pings)
> > between my P75 at home and P50 at work?
> > 
> > 10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip
> > min/avg/max = 40/50/80 ms
> > 
> > This is the ping between both Pipelines.
> > 
> > 50 ms seems to be my average, but I hear of many people getting 18ms to
> > 25ms.  I have NAT disabled, and I'm using SW +8.0-101.0+ on both units.
> > I'm just curious if I have something setup wrong?
> > 
> > Not only do I run the local network, I also enjoy playing games on
> > occasion and every little bit helps.  Any advice appreciated...tried
> > compression changes and disabling compression.
> > 
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