[In the message entitled "Re: [Ascend] Re: (ASCEND) Curiosity??" on Nov 12, 11:18, Simon Byrnand writes:]
> >
> >Note that max.bungi.ocm is where the list is run.  If there was a
> >delay at real-time.com, that's out of my control.
> >
> >So, the orginal poster may have a problem, but it isn't here at bungi.com
> >where the lists are run.
> Excuse my ignorance, but how does real-time.com fit into the scheme of
> things if its not related to the mailing list ?

No idea.  There are three subscribers on the list at real-time.com.

tanner at real-time.com
rte-ascend at listserv.real-time.com
natecars at real-time.com

> What is its purpose ?
> If it is an essential part of the delivery of this list to subscribers,
> then if it holds messages for hours or days before sending them on, then it
> doesn't matter from the point of view of list subscribers exactly where the
> fault lies, the end result is the same...

It is not an essential part of the list.  ascend-users-request at bungi.com
is where subscription requests go, and the list is maintained here.

If real-time.com is offering downstreams subscriptions (and I don't know if
they are, or aren't), then the problem lies solely there.  As far as I'm
concerned, they are just another subscriber.

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